Slugwizard: a begining

So, last minute as usual. I’ve gotten a start on my plan for the Slugwizard challenge. Started with a cool Pusgoyle Blightlord torso. Ive always loved the one with the cook mushrooms growing on its right arm and have always wanted to try my hand at sculpting some mushrooms on some lovecraftian horrors. This was my chance. Shaved off the burgle icons on the belly plate and shaped a good space filler shape for the upright trunk that will be the front of the slug body (and anthropomorphic marine mutation) with some extruded foam. This stuff is super easy to carve down with a knife and will take some glue and aluminum foil I’ll base any sculpting off of. It will also be rigid enough to maintain the posture I want to keep under the torso at least. I pinned this in with some larger gage copper wire that I can bend pretty easily to mock up the structure of the rest of the slug body. I try to keep this piece a bit smaller than I want the final body to be so I can add sculpting medium to sell the sluggy textures.

After selecting a few bits to create arms from, ( part of a Pusgoyle arm and a Bloodreaver’s Axe hand, right. A chaos sorcerers left arm.) I start to build a basic slug shape with aluminum foil, then smoothing that out with some plumber’s putty.

Looking rather weird, and should be a great starting point for something weirder. That was about it for this morning’s session. I’ll be back on this one soon, and look forward to sharing the progress here. Take care of yourselves champions!


SAMMAHS2, a strange world far from immune to the effects of the Crimson Path, treading warped waters on the astranged nothingness from mother Terra. Once known as Sammahs, Imperial eta class world with larger than the standard hive structures built into a multitude of the dramatically mountainous landforms common to the planet. Largely devoted to the mining opportunities presented at the cores of the literal towers of spire-like mountains these living imperial facilities were fashioned upon, Sammahs was to become a precious supplier to an Imperial effort at the time of the Cicatrix Maledictum. It is said that during the rapture of Cadia, as the ancient structures crumbled beneath the stone, Sammahs’s core detonated. As the countless whimpers of multitudes of human settlements and mega cities vanished into multiple malign ethers, Sammahs remained. As woeful tears and wandering voices were vaporized effortlessly from an endless galaxy, Sammahs remained. As Terra’s calls trailed solemnly by its ears, Sammahs remained.

The world populace woke, in their innumerable forms of personal distress, to find themselves still within their dense mountain structures of servitude. Their cities and manufactorums in tact upon first interior inspections. They would only need to venture to the outdoor platforms, landing decks, and connecting walkways of their lofty mountainous stations to find the detached floating horror they now faced. The miles deep ravines and foggy slag rivers, once a terrestrial truth, were now nowhere to be seen. Now massive inhabitated structures of rockcreat, steel, and pure mountain were slowly careening into each other like hulking ships floating within a crowded and invisible sea. Remembrencers now argue the event of higher loss. The Sammahs’s core purging nearly a third of its interior mass into nothingness, or the Sammahsian pulp the mining spires slicked themselves with as they drunkenly pulverized each other finding a grasp upon thir new relationships with a warp birthed gravity.


So this is the Centerpiece of the Kaelmn house for the SAMMUS2 board. Thought I’d throw together the house brute as a sort of centerpiece for the main board characters. This dude helped to actually plan out some color approaches for the rest of the pieces. I’d like to think this small group will work around this super WAC van saaar list I’d been reading about. Super heavy on smoke grenades and some multi melta foolishness. The idea is that there are a few tactical models that are there to sucidaly run in and toss smoke grenades . I thought I’d paint these up similarly to the Viegt Kaelmn pilot model I did for Carrion Pass as he is a defector of his house but was once one of these brazen specialists. The Corpus Oblation. Largely blue black with a chipped red left sholder plate, lugging bandoliers of grenades and jumping off walls all grimdark parkor, no guns. Rest of the more rank and file will be mostly the orange highlight red seen here. All these will have a servo skull to represent a type of simple grav-schute type assistance. Trying to figure a sort of controlled fall element here, kinda like they are equipped to recover a bit better from a cliff fall or the presence of some sort of assistance. (Except this big fucker has a jet pack) More on that soon. Check the Instagram ( )and the Facebook blog pages ( ) for the step by steps as IM FUCKING COMPUTER LAZY and hardly get to sit down and type all this bullshit. Thanks for all the support, its still pretty exciting to get to talk models with so many rad creators, lets keep the party going!! Ill be back with more soon!!


I want to say, a couple years ago, I caught icee wind of a inq28 project taking place on an arctic death world called Gelida. The dwindling inhabitants of this world when not huddled around the flickering flame of fledgling humanity, send their most capable into a blank existential nothingness facilitated by the shambling amalgamations of their technologies.

Seeing all the amazing walkers and desolate character vehicles emerging from this collection of hobbyists had my grimdark FOMO fucking triggered. Knowing work owned the surrounding event dates and times, I decided to create a sort of NPC type piece I could possibly send to an organizer, ( @magos_buer, on Instagram, the creator of this world and organizer of the Utah event and @darktech, walking rust bucket make-machine and organizer of the Chicago event. Both Inq28 powerhouses to say the least.)

The original idea was an Arctic scavenger type situation. Mabey a mobile demo type savant, charged with the looting or all together theft of stranded or misplaced technologies. I’ll stop ranting and put up a few progress photos before I try and explain the finished project.

Here are some shapes blocked in. Oh! And a sanding stick upits ass to simulate the impending plasticard.

Here are some shapes blocked in. Oh! And a sanding stick upits ass to simulate the impending plasticard.

Think this shits mid-paint, before snow effects. Don’t get me started on snow basing. It’s horseshit and snow is just fucking unrealistic and should never be attempted by the rational human being.

Think this shits mid-paint, before snow effects. Don’t get me started on snow basing. It’s horseshit and snow is just fucking unrealistic and should never be attempted by the rational human being.

So the blog version of attention deficit disorder continues, I highly recommend Precision Ice and snow on TV e snow effects. It’s amazing and extremely versatile considering you can stick it on with just about anything, check em out, I’ll link it when I’m not typing this at the at in a Mexican restaurant. So here are the finished cell phone pictures from Instagram. Still haven’t properly wrapped my head around photographing minis on a white background so I can’t mail this headache off yet, but it’s on the agenda.


Thank you for looking at this thrown together post and thank you to All the Gelida family!!

Silas Inbound

Finally getting Inquisitor Hand off the shelf cue, preliminary prime showed all the missing points , so helping the build completion.


Added a bit of crackle to the tree as well as some filth texture to the whole model before the final prime. Been in the paint in my spare time for the past few days but I’m about through the base layer and am blocking in metals. the aim is to try and post the first layer of progress on paint and explain the process.

That being said, check back, I plan to be updating this page just as often as the Facebook iteration ( ), but with cleaner more consistently ordered content. Thank you to all the folks on Instagram and the Inquisitorium ( ) for all the constant inspiration and encouragement. And a Happy New year to you all, but I’ll speak with you before then. Cheers!!

Photo Drop Indound

Long time no talk. Started a separate Instagram ( @witchhammerstudio ) to connect directly here so I suppose I should put some of this new photo tech to use. Funny how it works when you just sit down and try to learn something. Not to say I know much now, but I do much more than I ever have, haha. Here are a couple shots of the finished Intrépide, Moon Hoof. Relic ship piloted by the renegade Sky Warden Viegt Kaelmn who I’ve included a shot of. Hope all this gets me posting more. Thanks for looking. Cheers!

Moon Hoof, ancient small craft war relic of the Sammahs Floating Cities, thought to be last of the Intrépide. Repurposed to the founding Wardens of house Viegtegol in the rebirthing era of Sammahs, the Hoof was then outfit to dispatch wide manner of…

Moon Hoof, ancient small craft war relic of the Sammahs Floating Cities, thought to be last of the Intrépide. Repurposed to the founding Wardens of house Viegtegol in the rebirthing era of Sammahs, the Hoof was then outfit to dispatch wide manner of ground and air conflict. Now long grafted to Kaelmn , once princeps prime of Viegtegol. Hoof has been “upgraded” at the mysterious hands of YOD affiliate tecnoartisans and mech-biology perverts attempting to proxy a psychic integration between the Moon Hoof and Kaelmn facilitated by interlink of multiple tasked servo and servitor constructs.

Mechanical links fastened directly within all living import and export points of Kaelmn’s once, entirely, human form allow him dominion over the Hoof and it’s systems. Servitor constructions Arch1bald and D3mun8rian facilitate these avenues of multi…

Mechanical links fastened directly within all living import and export points of Kaelmn’s once, entirely, human form allow him dominion over the Hoof and it’s systems. Servitor constructions Arch1bald and D3mun8rian facilitate these avenues of multinural congress as well as Kaelmn’s physical field disembarkation. Providing a depletable grav field that, when operating in unison, can allow him the maneuverability of a slow moving Astartes jump pack.

Viegt Kaelmn, pilot of the ancient relic ship Moon Hoof, Morningstar rogue Sky Warden of the Golgotha Forge Moons, now mysterious conscription of the YOD trade conglomerates. Curiosity led by pride in prowess, have abandoned Kaelmn somewhere beyond …

Viegt Kaelmn, pilot of the ancient relic ship Moon Hoof, Morningstar rogue Sky Warden of the Golgotha Forge Moons, now mysterious conscription of the YOD trade conglomerates. Curiosity led by pride in prowess, have abandoned Kaelmn somewhere beyond the veil of YOD’s perversions.

Carrion Pass update

so I sat down this evening on checklist mode. Pulling together the remaining paint tasks.



While there is still quite a bit to go I’m starting to get the mood of the group as a whole and their separations where the may need to be.  As I was looking at game mechanics and how to relate these pieces, I decided to give Viegt Kalmn some servo skulls to aid his lone endeavors. So the had to be thrown together. So much fun, I’d like to Mabey trade some servo skull builds with artists all over. Could see a lot of awesome stuff.



Focusing in on approach for the scorpion servitors, I believe I’ve left the caged face piece a bit behind, so I think he’s on the bench tonight. 



I might make a gun skull and an exploding scorpion servitor if I get the time, but my efforts will go towards completing these first and foremost.


​Iubentium Ad Manes Legis Huius

Just A Dip

Pokeing at progress on the group for the Carrion Pass event.  


Some old recipes and really just settling back into paint instead of build. But mostly diving right into the Moon Hoof... 


started from black to a red oxide brown for the undercoat...


Then hairspray chipped the two colors of paint modulation, and roughed in some of the metallic tones. Played a little dumb game for a bit to see how far I could get before washing or glazing...



But I broke at this point... haha. 



More Soon. 

The Carrion Pass


Unbelievably excited to be finally be ready to put some paint on my cohort for the Inq28 event at the upcoming Adepticon. Will post some prime photos with more narrative backing in the next couple of days but I really felt the need to put something up to mark the occasion, as I am never this “ahead” of fucking schedule.

::metal horns::

p.s. Blood Effigy would be a pretty sick band name.


Most of the base layering in on Stryder. Ready for practical netting, small details and highs, then on to my favorite parts...weathering!  

Here are some shots so far as I’m working out some kind with a photo setup. 


thinking of pulling up the spear from a neutral turquoise, but it’s just a thought.  

thinking of pulling up the spear from a neutral turquoise, but it’s just a thought. 



This kit is so rad, it almost needs no help. Fucking pleasure so far. Might build the other two with some  converted Wrack helmets like some faceless forms or bodyguard escort element.



Stryder is an outrider of the Emperor’s Custodian guard, in the Golgotha system investigating the incidents upon the Khreist Forge Moon and their connections to the events unfolding in the Cicatrix Maledictum .


More soon, thank you. 


Moon Hoof last of the Intrépide

all sub assemblies are just about ready for paint finally. Here’s some shots. 


A bit more detail to go on Viegt(pilot) his connections to the interior and inner canopy... 



Bolter plate removes to be painted with the armored panels ... 



again some detailing to do on the canopy connections, but minor. 



glass will drop in after paint(luckily) need to pay a bit of attention to the stand connection to the ship, but I’m almost there.



I’ll be back in less than a week with more of a comprehensive update as I’ve set a few “goals” for myself that won’t allow me to not BOOM! Happy new year in the grim darkness of the 41st  millennium.  

The Palatine Spires: Inquisimunda at Adepticon 2018

   Above the polluted clouds of Necromunda's Palatine hive cluster, the wealthy and influential battle for control of dark secrets buried in a spire-top cemetery.

   The billion, billion inhabitants of Necromunda are recycled like everything else. Upon expiration, their bodies are processed into corpse-starche to feed the living. So precious are resources that nothing can go to waste. Yet, if the toiling masses could see through the black smog and the stratified layers of the hive, at its peak they would discover even in death, the privileged flaunt their wealth with impractical excess. Astride one of the Palatine's most prestigious towers is the Actionosus Sky Cemetery. It's foundation is guided metal. It's walls, dark stone quarried half a sub sector away. Within, unpolluted soil transported from the shrine world of St. Keodris. Upon its ornate mausoleums are engraved the names of industrial Barons, noble house Lords, High Ecclesiarchs, and even members of the Lord Helmawr's own Family.


                                               ::James Ward, Palatine Spires GM::


This event, for me, was incredible, so much beautiful artwork from everyone who participated.  I was able to view pieces in "real life" that i had merely stumbled upon in amazement through the ether of this internet and place faces to their creators. Many thanks to All the players for allowing me to be involved and assisting me as i fumbled through my first real foray into the new necromunda rule set and it's uses within our narrative. 

   Here are a few highlight photos i could grab between turns, I've done my best to caption these but I'm sure I've missed something. Enjoy! 

A portion of D. Vogel's Cohort, created by V. Michael, penitents, and myself , Inquisitor Amindian Galdiciti "The Great Chamber" and his torchbearer acolyte Kar'ral, pictured here anticipating actions to support or defend themselves from the actions…

A portion of D. Vogel's Cohort, created by V. Michael, penitents, and myself , Inquisitor Amindian Galdiciti "The Great Chamber" and his torchbearer acolyte Kar'ral, pictured here anticipating actions to support or defend themselves from the actions of their Daemonhost Saint Marchesa and her bird minions.

An overview of the board prior to deployment

An overview of the board prior to deployment

things begin to "heat up" as I. Tobin's weird Navigator Houshold advance upon Magos Bahram's cohort (by T.J. Finton) defending the sky cemetery. The Drone assasins of YOD shadowed by one of it's many gene clones thirsty for its first blooded, antici…

things begin to "heat up" as I. Tobin's weird Navigator Houshold advance upon Magos Bahram's cohort (by T.J. Finton) defending the sky cemetery. The Drone assasins of YOD shadowed by one of it's many gene clones thirsty for its first blooded, anticipate the opening of the cemetery's elevator doors. What glorious cacophony awaited them on the other side?

Powers clash, secrets are revealed.

Powers clash, secrets are revealed.


YOD constructs slither in tainted ruin upon the hidden gantries beneath the tops of the Palatine Spire tops.

The fog of fear floats through the graves of the graveyard as R. Meade's Inquisitorial warband becomes familiar with a freshly exhumed corpse's hidden information.

The fog of fear floats through the graves of the graveyard as R. Meade's Inquisitorial warband becomes familiar with a freshly exhumed corpse's hidden information.


Navigator Dropship (I. Tobin, Wierdingway) descending 

 ...and a bit of video confirmation.